October 26 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm UTC+0

Currently a work in progress, details to follow.
The route is currently a work in progress, details to follow.
** New and Recent members – remember please you will need to have had your Initial Assessment Ride with an Instructor to attend this and any other club riding activities
** All members please carry your membership card on this and all club activities
There are no restrictions on how many can join the ride, but we ask that you please register by emailing the ride leader. See details below.
As with all Group Ride Outs, please note that if the overnight temperature is forecast to be 3C degrees or below at the ride start meeting place, the ride out will be cancelled automatically. There will not normally be a second notification if this is the case. We only use the BBC Weather for our information.
Back-Marker System
One of the riders will need to Back-Mark so any volunteer for this please advise the ride leader when you register for the ride. If you have an orange Hi-Viz please bring it with you, or one may be provided on the day, or dependant on the size of the group an alternative marker may be agreed.
Please make sure you are fully conversant with the rules of the “BACK-MARKER SYSTEM“. Following these correctly is vital to the smooth running of the day and reduces the risk of losing someone or everyone. Details of the BM system are on our Southernriders.org website. If you’re unsure on the day, ask one of the attending Ride Leader. They will be more than happy to clarify any issues you have.
If you wear hi-viz, please ensure it is not Orange as this is reserved for the ‘back-marker’ during our ride-outs. We appreciate you may normally wear an orange hi-viz whilst riding. However, some find it confusing when in the middle of the group to see two or more riders with the orange hi-viz. So, in an effort to avoid confusion and markers leaving their post prematurely ONLY the back-marker is to wear orange hi-viz. Thank you